
Thursday, 21 December 2017




EDITED: This recipe was featured on Cook Blogg share link party on 2nd January 2018, check here.

Christmas is a time of joy and fun for everybody, the same is for me and my family. A lot of fun activities take place inside and outside our house during the Christmas season or I should say for the whole month of December.

The first one is the decorating of the Christmas tree, which my grandkids really like and surprisingly, every year they bring in some new ideas for the decoration of the tree. Some of the ornaments are made by them in their schools every year, under the supervision of their teachers and some ornaments we buy from the shops. This year we got a white Christmas tree.

The other fun activity inside the house is the elf on the shelf, every morning the kids are so excited when they look for the elf and really enjoy all the places they find elf sitting. The next activity which they really like is the opening of the gifts on Christmas day, which they get from Santa.

Apart from these indoor activities, we go shopping, which is a lot of fun during this festive season because shops and malls are decorated with Christmas decorations and lighting. Another fun activity which we do as a family is a tour/ride of the neighbourhood area to see the decorations and lights of all the different houses. Some houses look really beautiful with a lot of decorations and colorful lighting. There is so much effort and money that goes into these decorations, it is commendable that people put in so much effort during these dark nights!

The other attraction in our town is the Airdrie festival of lights, which is one of Canada's largest light displays. This festival attracts visitors from the past 21 years and is open to the public from 6-9 pm every day in the month of December. If you are nearby and interested in this event, here is the link.

There is another family-friendly fun activity that takes place in Calgary is the Calgary Zoo lights. These lights are the center of attraction in Calgary, and a highlight during the December holidays for many Calgary families. So these zoo lights are a package of fun and learning activities for the kids. A lot of activities are taking place at the Calgary Zoo, even in the winter months, they are teaching children about the migration, hibernation, conservation and behavior of all types of animal. Here is the link

Coming to the recipe, this Christmas instead of baking any cookies I made this - a dried fruit cake. This is a very simple, tried and tested recipe in which I have used buttermilk. I am very sure; if you try this recipe you will enjoy this cake as I did. To make instant buttermilk, take one cup of milk and add one tbs of lemon juice/vinegar and let it stand for 10 minutes at room temperature and the buttermilk is ready.

Recipe link- Joy of


  • 1 and a half cup (200 grams) all-purpose flour/white bread flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
  • 3/4 cup sugar (150 grams sugar)
  • 2 cups dried fruits (300 grams)
  • 1/2 cup melted butter (115 grams)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 cup buttermilk


  • Grease a cake pan with some butter and sprinkle flour on top of it.
  • Heat the oven to 190 degrees C.
  • Sieve the all-purpose flour with baking soda and add sugar and cardamom powder in it, now mix the dried fruits in it.
  • Mix all wet ingredients-butter, essence and buttermilk.
  • Now mix all the wet and dry ingredients together, mix well and pour the batter into the greased tray and bake for 50 minutes, till the toothpick comes out clean.
  • Cool on a cooling rack, slice and serve.


  1. Actually, my wife just baked one last weekend (on my birthday). I so loved was just like yours!
    I am tempted to put the recipe up as well ☺️

    1. That is nice Alok,Happy belated birthday, yes please share the recipe.

  2. It's lovely to read about your family traditions and this sounds like a lovely light fruit cake too. Thanks so much for sharing with #CookOnceEatTwice

  3. Hi Sadhna! Good to "see" you! Sounds like there are lots of activities to do in Canada. We have a Zoo Light Safari, as they call it, but I've not yet gone. We enjoy going out to see Christmas lights too. In fact, there's a spectacular one in our neighborhood, so we don't have to go far. Your fruit cake looks delicious. I truly love fruit cake. There are lots of jokes about them, but I have always loved them. I appreciate that you're giving the measurements in cups, rather than metric. That's helpful. Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Florence, Thanks very much for such a lovely comment. Glad to know that you also have so many such activities near Christmas in your area. This is my favorite fruit cake, I think measurements is cups makes it easy for the readers to give a try.

  4. It sounds like you really did have a fun Christmas season, Sadhna! Love this wonderful fruit cake recipe. It looks so good, and I think I'd enjoy it all year round! I'm sharing it on the Hearth and Soul Facebook page later today. I hope you will join us at the first Hearth and Soul Link Party of 2018 on January 8th. Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. Hi April, Yes we had a lot of fun here at Christmas, even for me this is my favourite cake which I can eat any time. Thanks for your comment and for sharing on the Facebook page, I will check. Happy new year to you too.

  5. It sounds like you and the family had a really busy Christmas Sadhna. It's such a wonderful, magical time of the year, especially for kids and what a great idea for the zoo to organize Winter activities too. Hope you all had a beautiful and love filled Christmas my friend, you fruit cake looks delicious BTW

    1. Hi Michelle, yes we had a wonderful time in this month, apart from the cold weather, we enjoyed. Thanks for your visit and the comment. I hope you enjoyed Christmas that side.

  6. You cannot beat a good fruit cake and yours looks and sounds so good! Thank you for sharing with #CookBlogShare x

    1. Thanks very much Kirsty, for your visit and the comment.

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family... I have pinned to try this fruitcake as I like that there are no eggs in it. Thanks for sharing ♥

    1. Yes,you are right. Thanks for your visit and the comment.

  8. I've featured your recipe on #CookBlogShare this week:)

  9. Lovely cake and what a fun tradition you have~ Thanks for sharing at Fiesta Friday!


  10. Loving this twist on fruit cake although I haven't had it in a few years since my grandmother made it. Thank you for linking up with us for Meatless Monday and sharing.

  11. I love fruit cakes and yours looks delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Must try it.
