It is never late to learn anything in this life provided you are interested in learning, that is what I personally think. For this to happen, we need to have the attitude of wanting to learn, and to not think we know everything. You can be a jack of all but you can not be master of all. Some people think they are master of all, to these type of people when I try to explain something, it is impossible because their glass is always full and their answer is always, “I know this and I know that already”. If you keep your glass half full at least there is room to listen and grasp something new from somewhere or from somebody.
Talking about learning, when I was in Southern Africa, in 2007 I joined “Weigh Less” because I wanted to shed some kilos. This is very similar to the weight watchers of the Americas (with a few differences). I got some good results and lost some kilos. Together with losing weight, I learned very important information on how to cook food using very little oil or how can we replace frying by grilling or baking in a recipe.
Though at that time, I had problems when I was following their weigh less formula for food, because they had no books or recipes for vegetarian people like me. I had to replace meat fish, eggs etc. with my vegetarian protein. I learned about how we can make the same recipes in a much healthier way by changing the cooking techniques. Until today, this information is playing a vital role in my life and in my cooking journey. It does not mean I do not eat any fried food, but I have restricted it to only one meal in a week.
This recipe of baked spring rolls is a very good example of low-fat cooking because very little oil is used but it still tastes just as good as the fried version. If you make low-fat or baked items instead of frying them, you will have to compromise a little bit with the taste but the benefits of eating low-fat foods are endless.
I have tasted different fillings for these spring rolls in different restaurants, whenever I go to restaurants if springs rolls are on the menu, I definitely take one plate and try. But this filling is my own creation which is my favourite of all because it has got some form of protein and sprouted mung beans are there together with some veggies. Check the recipe here on how to sprout your own mung beans.

- 12 spring roll pastry sheets
- oil for frying and for glazing the baked ones
- One big onion
- One big green pepper
- 100 grams frozen corn
- 100 grams sprouted mung beans
- 200 grams paneer OR Haloomi cheese
- Salt and black pepper for taste
- 2 tbs oil
- 1 tbs ground mustard seeds
- Heat oil in a fry pan or wok and add mustard seeds.
- Fry onion and green pepper together for few minutes till they are soft.
- Add sprouted mung beans and cheese and cook for few more minutes.
- Add salt black pepper and keep it aside.
For Baking
- Preheat oven at 180 degrees C
- Cut the spring roll pastry in 4 pieces.
- Arrange them in alternate order in a cupcake tray and grease with oil each sheet, spoon the filling in it.
- Bake in preheated oven for 10-15 minutes till they are light brown as shown in the photo.
For Frying
- Heat oil in a wok or fry pan.
- Take one sheet of spring roll pastry, place filing in the middle, one tbs of filling and fold from all sides, give shape as desired.
- Fry in a hot oil till golden brown.
- Serve hot with any taste of chutney or ketchup.
- I am sharing this recipe as my blog post entry with Meat Less Monday and What do you do this weekend, and with Happy green and natural and with Cook blog share,, and with Hearth and Soul and with Tasty Tuesday C.Kids, and with Tuesday tutorials, and with What are you working on Wednesday, and with My two favorite things and Full plate Thursday, and with Food and Fitness Friday and Funtastic Friday, and with Real Food Friday and with Fiesta Friday,, and with Great Idea Thursday, and with Food and Fitness Friday, and for Food year linkup Party,